Therapeutic bodywork & yoga

that moves you

into a more Vital life.

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Every body is different. Yoga should be tailored to your body.

Experience bodywork that makes a lasting difference.

Why offer Therapeutic Yoga and Bodywork together?

Yoga and massage leverage transformation in the whole body. Both of these modalities can radically improve your quality of life; from breaking up stuck connective tissue to improving the vitality of your breath and range of motion and even regulating your nervous system. Yoga teaches you to move your own body to affect changes whereas massage is primarily guided by the Therapist. But the real magic happens when we combine these two systems into a cohesive treatment plan. As we free restrictions using massage, it’s important to utilize and strengthen your new range of motion. As we observe mobility limitations, we can utilize massage to radically change connective tissue. Yoga and Bodywork combined improve the potency and potential of each other.

Is Vital Movement Collective different than other yoga studios?

A typical studio class will teach a similar sequence to all students, regardless of their mobility or fitness level. Beginner students or those recovering from injury are underserved by this “middle of the bell curve” approach. Our classes teach you to listen to you own body and how to modify poses so they work well for you. Our goal is to improve your proprioception, mobility, balance, strength and breath. Classes are small and intimate; a maximum of ten students per session ensures that your teacher can observe and offer verbal and hands-on adjustments each time you take a class. We also ask new yoga students to complete a Body Map Assessment (BMA), a 30 minute in-person exploration of how you stand, sit and move in space. This BMA gives us an opportunity to develop a treatment plan that is specific to your body and your goals.