About Vital Movement Collective

“Many of my massage clients return to their next session not having done the stretches that I encouraged…they say they don’t remember how to do them correctly. If they were to actually do them I know they would feel better, make positive progress and I wouldn’t have to work on the same issues every time they come in for a session! ~Wren

“Many of my yoga students that are recovering from injury or have limited mobility really struggle in a large group class. Even when I offer modifications, some students obviously are challenged and need more personalized adjustments to have the poses work well for them.” ~Robert

Vital Movement Collective was born out of a need to solve several problems we saw in the fields of massage and yoga. Many massage clients don’t feel confident enough to practice the exercises we offer and so wouldn’t do them, returning to their next session basically in the same shape. Therapeutic yoga classes are the perfect way to support these massage clients by providing instruction, accountability and encouragement.

Yoga students who typically attend large group classes can sometimes be lost or underserved by instructions that are meant to guide the entire group. They would instead benefit from up close observation, modifications and hands-on adjustments. While yoga is highly useful for mobilizing connective tissue and increasing mobility, adding massage can fast track students who may feel like their progress is slow. The assistance of a Bodyworker addressing specific regions can radically improve a clients’ ability to move and thus strengthen target areas.

Most Bodyworkers and Yoga Teachers rarely get more than a brief health intake immediately prior to a session or class. Can we really provide our clients with a quality treatment plan with so little time? We feel that receiving health intake forms several days prior to a session and performing a full body assessment of mobility, strength and balance is a vastly superior way to support our clients.

We also recognize that many people moving off of Physical Therapy would benefit greatly from a service that could provide bodywork and therapeutic yoga. It is common that post PT clients can stall out or even regress once completing a PT regiment. Whether you are pre/post surgery, recovering from an injury or have limited mobility, our goal is to support you!

Therapeutic Yoga and Bodywork affect similar systems in the body and are holistic approaches to health. Combining them together improves the benefits of the other and provides clients with a more robust wellness offering. Sign up for a Body Map Assessment today and start your Journey to a more Vital life!

Wren Myers

Owner, Bodyworker, Yoga Teacher

Robert Duncan

Owner, Yoga Teacher, Bodyworker